APRIL FITZCLARENCE is a 23-year-old,2020 Fashion Design Graduate of Whitehouse Institute of Design. Currently residing in Sydney Australia, April has spent her former years in retail management at the Reject Shop.During this time April has spent some time traveling, studying the medieval history of the UK. Drawing from life experiences and research April created her design philosophy. The need to reinterpret fashion history but also to express the love of black, forever drawn to the darkness and the romance that is entailed in the colour black. April is known for creating garments that are on the risky side of design, often creating garments that are sexualised in a contemporary manner, sexy but also sophisticated. As an inspiring fashion designer, April wants to create garments that can be seen as to be influenced by historical concepts, re-envisioned, and reverted into today’s society with the sole purpose to be worn and designed for bold and powerful women. Fashion needs to be brought to life, and the designs created by APRIL FITZCLARENCE, are created for strong natured women, that can carry the garments with a sense of attitude and power. Women who are comfortable to show some skin romantically and sensually. Attitude is what brings these garments to life. Reflecting a philosophy of April’s, To design the new we must first reflect on our history and take the importance of that time, redefining and re-creating what once was. With the help of the colour black to distinguish the representation of April’s defining design identity. April’s work has been seen in Various magazines both Australian and international ( Shuba, Solstice UK, Style Cruz USA- 2020)
The collection “Widows Rebellion” focuses on the concept idea that the woman’s body should be seen, for all its true curves and sexual features. The concept of “Widows Rebellion” is that of creating 4 bold and distinguishable bodies of garments that each on their own stand out for themselves. Each body represents individuality and confidence through both fabric and silhouette. Using tones of black, taking from Gothic impressions to create contemporary and high fashion garments that are made for bold and powerful women. A collection should represent a designer’s true aesthetic and passion, in this case, that being of the obsession of black, textured, and unique fabrics not seen regularly, a reflection of history, minimum and maximum size of the volume of the garments and admiration of Alexander McQueen.”Widows Rebellion” is a collection that is derived from the society norm of Widows being required by society to be conforming to society rankings and dress codes that of widows wearing black after the death of their husbands ,for a prolonged period of time. Often restrictive and unattractive garments ,hiding the widow away from society. This idea was then taken and transformed into a collection that represents the freedom to dress in the opposite to society’s norm. Thus the nature of garments created by April Fitzclarence