Ellie is a Creative Director and Stylist based in Sydney, Australia. Much of Ellie's design revolves around her passion for photographic elements and illustration that create a narrative through diverse concepts and materials. From a young age Ellie has been illustrating and consistently challenging herself through her visual work; now more than ever she is able to explore her contemporary design identity with those around her.
'Sweet Life' takes a playful look at our childhood enjoyment of summer and sweets through colour forecasting. It is influenced by 50s trends of food photography and lifestyle. The editorial encapsulates the feeling of rejoicing and celebration on a warm afternoon by the pool. Not only this, but it aims for the audience to indulge in the senses of colour; reflecting on what we feel and experience when we see bright colours. In 2021 we are beginning to celebrate life and food once more with our friends and family. Sweet Life illustrates a glamorised contemporary visual narrative of treats, happiness, summer and relaxation. This narrative aims to engage the audience through a sensory approach with splashing water, sugar hits and dripping ice cream.This is achieved through stylised and unique elements of digital design and photography.